Monday, June 9, 2008

PENDRAGON Book 7: The Quillian Games

The whole series are about Travelers and their leader is Bobby Pendragon. This is the only Pendragon book I read though. Travelers are people who travel from territory to territory( territories are like worlds) through flumes. Bobby goes to Quillian and finds out it's all about games there. If u lose you die. That's how a traveler died there. Bob competed in the games, won, than went back to 2nd Earth.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Sign of the Beaver

It's written by Elizabeth George Speare, has 135 pages, and 25 chapters.

The book is about a 13 year-old white boy and a 14 year-old indian. The white boy's name is Matt and the indian's is Attean. Matt and his dad built a cabin and his dad must get the rest of the family so Matt has to stay by himself in the cabin. During this time, Matt had some wonderful adventures. He met the indian boy and his grandpa when he got stung by bees. They became friends and Matt met the rest of Attean's family - his grandma and his sister - and even the tribe members.

At the end his family came to the cabin and found Matt being O.K. The indians left before that knowing more white men would come.

I liked the book because the two boys did a lot of cool stuff together. I also like their friendship.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Slim's Good Bye

It's about two dogs-Hank and Drover and their owner is Alfred and Alfred's mom doesnt want the dogs on her yard.Hank is the "Head of Ranch Security". Slim let's them sleep in his house and works with the dogs. They love him and one day Slim went into his truck and the dogs thinking he was going to the city hopped into the back. Slim didn't know what they did until he was on a street in Canada and a poilce man pulled him over, told him that his truck was illeagel, told him he had to pay a fine, and told him about the dogs. Slim had to stop his journey to the alpine and get a job because he had run out of money. He got a job, got enough money, didn't get a new licence plate, and was heading to te alpine when another police car stopped him and took him to the station. When Slim was getting out of the car the saw LOper-one of his friends with a licence plate in his hand. He gave it to Slim and Slim put it on his truck told the pilice and they let him go home.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Owen and Mzee

A one-year old hippo a tsunami washed him up. Finally he hit the shore and was stuck on coral reef. Tons of people tried to help him but he was scared of them and tried to escape. Than a vister named Owen Sobien tackled the hippo for just enough time to secure him with a net. Everyone now calls the hippo Owen. They put Owen in a boma at Haller Park. In that boma also lived 130-year old turtle named Mzee which means wise old man. Owen kept following Mzee and by morning they were friends. First few days the care takers thought that Owen wasn't eating his grass. They soon saw that Mzee was showing him what to do. Owen protects Mzee alot but Mzee is clearly in charge.

The Earth Dragon Awakes The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

It has 117 pages and no chapters

It takes place in Sacramento Street and in China Town. There's 2 friends-Henry Travis and Chin. Chin and his father-Ah Sing live in China Town but work for the Travis family. Chin and Ah Sing were in China Town and Henery was in bed with his dog. His dog kept barking on and on when suddnely the earth sook! His mom and dad were at the door trying to open it but it was jammed. The chimney fell into his parent's room. Henery's dad fetched the crowbar and opened the door. Soon they got out out. The whole street made a bucket bridage to put out the fires. Meanwhile over in China Town Ah Sing and Chin are buried alive. The try to dig and make a tunnel for Chin. Chin gets out and finds Ah Sing's friend- Ah Quon and diggs his father up. The firefighters have run out of water so they made a clearout with nynamite so the fire can't burn anything. Finnaly it all stops.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Kidnapped~The Rescue

Meg made like a cave. She was cold so she made a fire out leaves. It almost died out so she started using sticks. After a while she got out of the cave and saw a cub. She kept on walking and the cub followed. She saw smoke and cabins so she headed for them. In one of the cabins she saw her kidnappers. They saw her too and chased her. Soon they caught her. The kidnappers wrote on bloghog.usa that they would give them her daughter back for $3,000,000 and if they met in the old mine. Rufus-the creator of bloghog.usa drove them to the mine. Soon they arrived. Meg soon found the kidnapping wasn't for ransom but was to kill her parents. Meg saw that the cub was still following her so she knocked the soup out of Rufus's hand and the cub attacked Rufus and the kidnappers(she also found out Rufus was a mad guy). Harris and Aidan arrived and saved Meg and her parents.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Kidnapped~The Search

The book has 138 pages and 26 chapters. It continues from Kidnapped~The Abduction.

I hoped to find out about Meg in this book, but I also knew that there would be no third book if she is found.

In this book only Aiden (Meg's brother) was searching for her. He didn't find her =[ I don't know why the FBI or her parents didn't search for her.

By the end of the book, Meg escaped. She ran through the woods and found a telephone pole. She climbed up it, cut a little of a wire, and sent a S.O.S. Sadly, nobody came. After a couple of minutes Meg decided to keep on running. She kept running on and on. Soon she fell in a ditch and sprained her ankle. She decided to cover up the ditch and sleep in it. She couldn't get any sleep so she kept on walking. A while later a big blizzard cam out of no where...


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kidnapped~The Abduction

Meg and Aiden(brother+sister)are Falconers. Thier dad+mom went to jail for 14 months for no reason. Everyone now hates them. One day they were getting off the bus when i car pulled up and kidnapped Meg. Now the guy that booked thier parents-Agent Harrison is now the head agent for solving Meg's kidnapping.
Did I like the book?:

Read the next blog about Kidnapped~The Search

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Encyclopedia Brown

It's about a boy whose name is Leroy butt everyone calls him Encycopedia because his head his like an encyclopedia. His dad Mr.Brown was the head cheif. Leroy opened a a detective agentcy and whoever wanted a case solved had to pay $00.25. He and his partner Sally solved 9 cases altogether. A couple childish 1 or 2 about murder and a lot of stolen things. Luckly Leory was able to solve all the cases.

Monday, February 11, 2008

What Whould Joey Do?

It's about a boy who's name is Joey. His parents are divorced and his dad always comes on his motorcycle and tries to get Joey's mom back. His mom get's mad and one day she get's a broom and sticks it in the spokes and the motercycle breaks. One day his mom makes Joey get home schooled by his neighbor. His teacher also has a dauther and she's home schooling her too. Her daughtrer get's Joey into lot's of trouble.

Time Stops For No Mouse

It is about a mouse who's name is Hermux he is a watchmaker and one day a mouse named Ms.Perflinger came in to Hermux's shop and ask's to get her watch fixed by tomorrow at noon. At noon the next day she didn't come a week after a guy that say's he's come to pick up the watch tries to take it but Hermux wouldn't let him. The guy looked suspisos so Hermux followed him he stopped at Ms.Perflinger's house and say the guy take a sleepy Ms.Perflinger out of the house and put her in a limo. He called his friend pup and they made a plan to save Ms.Perflinger. Hermux went to a hotel and talked with Dr.Mennus. Mennus later caught Hermux and tied him up and put him in a trap. He also did the same with Perflinger. One of Hermux's freiends came and saved him and Ms.Perflinger. After that they both went home happy.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Star War Jedi Quest

Anakin was a slave on Tatooine until one day a jedi-Obi Won helped him escape.
Anikin became Obi Won's Padawan. He helped Anikin through Jedi Training. One day the counsle- Yoda and Mace Windu had an assignment for Obi Won and Anikin. During part of the assignment they went into Krayn's ship and Obi Won left Anikin behind by mistake and Anikin was captured. Obi tried to go back but he couldn't because Krayn's ship jumped into hyperspace...To be continued!
Obi-Won went back to his planet and went to the pub, Didi and Astri's Cafe. There he talked to Didi and Astri about Krayn and they sent him to Gogol at the Dor...To be continued!
Gogol was greedy and wanted a lot of money to tell Obi about Krayn but Obi paid him. Gogol told him to look on a different planet and on that planet he found Krayn but luckly Obi was in a disguise. After weeks of being a slave Siri(a jedi under cover but Krayn didnt know that nieghter did Anakin)pulled Anakin aside and yelled at him. Krayn was eavesdropping on them and heard Anikin when he said,"You're evil you betrayed the Jedis!" Since Krayn hated Jedis he had the both evacutated but he didn't have time at the moment so he put them in a cell. While in the cell Siri explained to anikin how she was a Jedi undercover and togher they made a plan and got out. After that Anikin slayed Krayn and they all went home.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Lebron James

LeBron was born when his mother(Gloria) was only 16 yrs. old. He had to move a lot so it was hard for him to make friends. When he was in 5th grade he told his friend he moves a lot and his friend told his dad that and he let LeBron live with them. His mom agreed so he stayed with them. They made a basketball team named The Irish. After a while he went back to live with his mom. He spent equal time with The Irish and his mom. When he was 18 he joined the Cavs.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Shakespeare Stealer

Its about a orphan boy named Widge, who is adopted by a guy named Dr.Bright. After 7 years a stranger comes along. He works for a guy named Simon Bass. The stranger buys Widge and takes him to his new master, Simon Bass. He orders Widge to go to London, watch the play, Hamlet, and copy down the lines. The first try he manages to copy only a couple lines. Next week he trys again and this time he gets the rest of them. After he's done a guy sees him but he has a part in the play that he has to do right at that time so he lets him go. He tries to find the stranger that bought him(his name is Falconer)but he can't(he also notices he lost the play). The people catch him and they decide to let him join the theatre company. He makes 2 friends-Sander and Julian(later they find out that Julian is really a girl=O). Widge doesn't want to betray his friends so he doesn't write down the lines. They all live happily ever after..except for Julia(her name when they figered out she really was a girl) because woman weren't aloud to perform.