Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Kidnapped~The Rescue

Meg made like a cave. She was cold so she made a fire out leaves. It almost died out so she started using sticks. After a while she got out of the cave and saw a cub. She kept on walking and the cub followed. She saw smoke and cabins so she headed for them. In one of the cabins she saw her kidnappers. They saw her too and chased her. Soon they caught her. The kidnappers wrote on bloghog.usa that they would give them her daughter back for $3,000,000 and if they met in the old mine. Rufus-the creator of bloghog.usa drove them to the mine. Soon they arrived. Meg soon found the kidnapping wasn't for ransom but was to kill her parents. Meg saw that the cub was still following her so she knocked the soup out of Rufus's hand and the cub attacked Rufus and the kidnappers(she also found out Rufus was a mad guy). Harris and Aidan arrived and saved Meg and her parents.

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