Thursday, February 7, 2008

Star War Jedi Quest

Anakin was a slave on Tatooine until one day a jedi-Obi Won helped him escape.
Anikin became Obi Won's Padawan. He helped Anikin through Jedi Training. One day the counsle- Yoda and Mace Windu had an assignment for Obi Won and Anikin. During part of the assignment they went into Krayn's ship and Obi Won left Anikin behind by mistake and Anikin was captured. Obi tried to go back but he couldn't because Krayn's ship jumped into hyperspace...To be continued!
Obi-Won went back to his planet and went to the pub, Didi and Astri's Cafe. There he talked to Didi and Astri about Krayn and they sent him to Gogol at the Dor...To be continued!
Gogol was greedy and wanted a lot of money to tell Obi about Krayn but Obi paid him. Gogol told him to look on a different planet and on that planet he found Krayn but luckly Obi was in a disguise. After weeks of being a slave Siri(a jedi under cover but Krayn didnt know that nieghter did Anakin)pulled Anakin aside and yelled at him. Krayn was eavesdropping on them and heard Anikin when he said,"You're evil you betrayed the Jedis!" Since Krayn hated Jedis he had the both evacutated but he didn't have time at the moment so he put them in a cell. While in the cell Siri explained to anikin how she was a Jedi undercover and togher they made a plan and got out. After that Anikin slayed Krayn and they all went home.

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